Monday, November 28, 2011

11 months (and 9 days)

So I am a little late posting this update, but better late than never! We are quickly approaching a year with Mia and she is doing so well.  She will now spontaneously approach us and hug us and tell us that she loves us or that we are her best friend.  She would never decline a hug in the past, but would never intiate it... now she does and it thrills us!  As for her health, within the last post I wrote about her heart catherization being scheduled.  They could not do anything in the procedure and the blockage is in the muscle so nothing could be done there either.  So they wanted her to have surgery as soon as possible.  It was scheduled for the 11/22, but Mia came down with a cold, so it has now been postponed until 12/6.  It is a pretty intense surgery, with 2 incisions, including both lung and heart work.  Her team believes that she is strong enough for this surgery.
Mia also had a few firsts last month, with her brothers helping her learn the ropes the entire time.
Mia was a princess for halloween, and was shocked that people just gave her candy!

Her first thanksgiving.... she enjoyed all of the food as always.

And her first time decorating a Christmas tree.  She kept saying it was so beautiful... she is absolutley adorable.

Stay tuned for surgery updates and 1 year with Mia!!!