Sunday, August 17, 2008

Summer continues, but not for much longer!

Hello everyone. We are halfway through August and it hard to believe how fast the summer has passed. The boys return to school on August 26th, so there is really not much more time for them. They are continuing to have a great summer. There is one new thing for this month, and that is football camp! We're talkin' pads, helmets, tackle, 5 nights a week, 2 hours a night. It is crazy and quite a commitment, but Jacob is really having a good time. During the second week, Jacob had shin splints. These are very painful, but Motrin with 20 minutes of heat and 20 minutes of ice before practice seemed to do the trick. They are still bothering him, but that's football.

Logan is doing well also. He enjoys going to the camp during the evening, and playing with kids he knows from school. Logan told me that he is not ready to go back to school and is not excited. It should be an interesting first day. Hopefully new shoes will motivate him to walk out the door.

As everyone knows, the Olympics are finally underway, so we are hoping for a speedup here in the next few weeks. There are some glitches right now with updating out fingerprints, but we have confidence that our adoption agency will work this out for us. It really does not look like we will be traveling until February anyway, unless of course there is a miracle.

We will keep everyone posted! Thanks for reading!

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