Sunday, April 3, 2011

March was a busy month!

Well the month started off first with a big 4th birthday party for Mia!  She had such a great time!  Lots of present and a celebration with family was lots of fun for her and us.  For the first week after her party, she would come to me daily and say "Happy birthday?"  and she still occasionally asks me.   So we are pretty sure that she enjoyed herself.

The next weekend we were able to celebrate Matt's cousin's wedding.  It was a lot of fun and it was wonderful to see his cousin so happy and in love and he married a wonderful woman.  Mia had so much fun being carried all around by her cousin Tess and also spent a great deal of time on Tony, or yeye's, lap.  The boys enjoyed playing on the golf greens finding golf balls and tees.  Mia did poop out quickly by the end of the night and was quite blue in color.  The dress didn't help much, but she did look cute.

Two weeks later was surgery.  She had open heart on the 29th of March and was discharged April 1st.  The surgeon and her cardioloist told us that this quick of a recovery is amazing and they expected her to be in for at least 14 days... not 4.  Since she has been home she has been quite comfortable and her spirits have really lifted.  She is still sore, but her pain is managed by alternating tylenol and motrin.  How crazy is that?  The best part about this whole ordeal is Mia does not get out of breath anymore.  She runs around the house and can walk long distances without any problems.  And she looks so much better.  She is pink.  Look at the pics below at the changes....

Finger's before surgery

Fingers after surgery

Mia before surgery

Mia after surgery

We find her pinkness amazing!  The next steps are to let her heal for a good 6 months... YEA a summer with no medical procedures... and then a heart catherization to see how she is progressing and if their is more they can do for her.  Thank you for everyone who supported us through this surgery.


Sue said...

I LOVE Pink!

deanna said...

I love watching Mia grow!!! She looks great in "pink!!!" What an amazing difference.:-)