Saturday, June 25, 2011

The best possible life....

When we wound up admitted to Children's Pittsburgh 1 1/2 days and they did her first heart catherization, the Catherization team of doctors came to us and said "there is nothing we can do for her... at this point you just have to give her the best possible life that you can."  That moment and that phrase has stuck with me.  Is it even possible to cram "the best possible life" into 16 to 26 years?   Will she be healthy enough to dance at her prom, experience her first kiss, fall in love, have her own children and care for them like she does for her babies?   What exactly is the "best possible life" anyway.  Sure it includes love and hugs and kisses, which she gets plenty of, but what else.  We all know that material objects make people happy, but really happy?  I don't know what would be the best possible thing in her life, mostly because I don't even know if she will be able to experience it before she's 30.  Adoption is quite a different experience than having the boys and having carried them for 9 months.  We had time to get to know them and love them even before they were born.  And when they arrived, it was beautiful.  Adoption is beautiful too.  As Mia changes and grows we do too, with her.  I fall more in love with her every day that passes... we all do.  I think too that I have so much time with our boys, to screw up and figure it out, and eventually settle on our relationship when they are adults.  But with her I always feel I need to get everything right.  Like a screw up on my part is part of her life wasted.  So I guess I have come full circle again.  How do I ensure that she has the "best possible" in the years that she is with us?  I guess it's just love, that's the best we can give her. 

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