Thursday, August 18, 2011

8 months tomorrow!! (seems like she has always been here though)

Well the month of August has been pretty uneventful for the Vogel family, with the exception of the septic backing up and the water pressure tank spraying water all over the basement!  The boys have been enjoying their last days of freedom from school fishing, riding dirt bikes, and swimming.  They have also been getting into some trouble and doing some wild things, such as riding a wagon down a steep hill towards the road = 0!  The other night they rigged a saucer sled to a bicycle. They worked super hard on it, geared up with helmets and knee pads and rode the sled down the driveway!  It was not only creative, but hysterical to watch!

And Miss Mia is doing so well.  She is sooooo excited to go to pre-school in a few weeks.  She tells us that she is excited to make new friends and will share her toys.  Her English continues to progress.  We are going to have her evaluated by a speech therapist to make sure that their is nothing that we or they could work on with her.  Matt's favorite thing to say to her is "Ni hao" (which means hello in Chinese)  Mia cracks up every time and corrects our pronunciation.  It is so cute!  She is growing like a weed and continues to have a great appetite.  She has gotten so big before our eyes and she is simply beautiful.  She has adjusted better than we could have ever expected and it is really like she has always been here.  As far as her health goes, she continues to do well and plays like a healthy child right now.  I take her back to the cardiologist in mid-September, when I anticipate that they will be scheduling her for her next heart Catherization.  She loves us and we love her.  She talks about going back to China to visit, but does not want to live there. She wants us all to go to China with her... she is so smart!
Mia this spring

Mia yesterday

The last surprise for the month is that on July 20th we got a new puppy!  Jack the Saint Bernard!  We were planning to wait until Spring for a new puppy, but it was so lonely in the house without a dog around.  He is a puppy in many ways, but very laid back.  He is also doing really well with potty training!  It has been nice to train a dog with the boys home... they actually help to take him out!

I will keep everyone posted with updates about our family... thanks for caring and reading!

1 comment:

Debbie Sauer said...

She is so precious. Glad things are going so well for her. Blessings